5 Real Beauty Influencers You’ll Want to Follow for True Inspiration

Initially we had this article as “5 Skin Positivity Influencers You’ll Want to Follow”…but then we thought, “Why can’t they just be beauty influencers” ⁠Well, they can. ⁠Because we said so.⁠

⁠...and we’re here to call out and challenge anything that makes people feel that they are anything other than just beautiful. ⁠

⁠Let’s stop labelling. Who decides? Who makes these rules? WE DO. The consumers do. Those of us with the money do. We decide by choosing who to follow, what causes to support, the brands we invest in and what words we align and don't align with. ⁠Because that’s how we take a stance on beauty not being one set standard. ⁠

⁠That's the only way any of us will ever really impact change.⁠ That's how we stand up for something.⁠ That's how we take OUR power back. ⁠We choose where to put our money, focus & attention.⁠

⁠Then, they follow suit.⁠ and, in doing that, we get to decide what beauty really is. ⁠

⁠So, here you go. ⁠5 of our absolute favourite BEAUTY influencers who are sharing their intimate, honest journey with us all and we are SO grateful for these women for using their platform to educate, inspire and change the narrative that beauty is one specific set of very rigid guidelines that are near impossible to meet for real human beings.⁠

sofia grahn

Handle: @isofiagrahn

If you want wholesome, honest and upfront content, look no further than Sofia Grahn.

Sofia’s Instagram account and message celebrates every day skin and normal bodies. She has photos of acne scars, fat rolls, pimples on the body mixed with happy, wholesome and quirky life photos showing she doesn’t give a f**k about beauty standards!

She is a beautiful reminder that the appearance of your skin has nothing to do with your beauty, and is proudly putting a stop to the endless pursuit of perfection.

“Here’s to another year of investing time and energy into body acceptance rather than viewing my body as a project that needs to be aesthetically “perfected”

We also love that she talks a lot about healing self doubt and low confidence, and provides personal tools and tips that have helped her overcome them.

mik zazon

Handle: @mikzazon

What more evidence do you need that we are beautiful NO MATTER WHAT.

Mik normalises NORMAL bodies and everything that that word means.

Cellulite. Blemishes. Razor Bumps. Acne. Texture. Curves. Body Hair

“To all the women reading this— It’s our time to create the new standard. And the standard is— Normalise Normal Bodies. Normalise Normal Skin”

She’s another wonderful example of  challenging beauty standards and all her platforms are a safe space for us women to love all our lumps, bumps and imperfections and help us fall in love with the beauty of it all.

jess mackenzie

Handle: @_jessyoga

Jess is a yoga and self love coach, celebrating normal and acne prone skin to highlight that we’re beautiful no matter what! She also loves challenging negative beliefs that don't serve us anymore and guides women to step outside their comfort zones!

"YOUR SKIN DOES NOT DEFINE HOW WORTHY YOU ARE OF LOVE. Acne or no acne, you are beautiful and you are deserving of love, happiness and respect!”

All of us have had our struggles with pimples, blemishes and imperfections yet the media and socials insist on overly photoshopped filters as if its something we need to hide. Jess is here to celebrate otherwise!


Handle: @thoughtsofhealing

Merging mindfulness and skincare to bring us TOTAL, radical self love and acceptance. ERM. YES PLEASE! Haniya shares her beautiful wisdom on how to shift our perception of ourselves to do just this.

“Guess what? SELF-LOVE IS SELF-DISCIPLINE. Once you accept that self love isn’t the sugar coated reality that some try to project, you will feel power in each time you let go, Step away, Enforce boundaries and even when you attempt to quiet the negative thoughts that hinder your self acceptance”

Haniya reminds us that healing is not a linear journey and proves that acne is just a condition and it shouldn’t ever prohibit you from loving yourself and enjoying your life!

katie mackie

Handle: @mackies_moments

Katie Mackie used to be ashamed of how red and sore her arms, face and hands looked from her Eczema condition - but now she's inspiring others to embrace their skin no matter what!

We LOVE Katie’s vibe. Her honesty and acceptance of her journey with Eczema is helping normalise what different skin can look like. She is a powerful and much needed voice in the beauty industry.

Flaunt them flares because out there is someone who’s struggling and feeling the exact same way as you are.

I have been empowered by others to show my skin, let’s domino this feeling. The more we share our real skin the more normal and accepted it shall become.”

Helping followers leave shame and guilt behind, she now has her own podcast and has been on multiple interviews inspiring others to feel beautiful regardless of skin.

bottom line

Feeling inspired? I know, they’re amazing. Following these accounts of real women with real skin, real bodies and honest journeys to help and inspire us is a gift we didn’t know we needed, and hopefully a bigger picture movement that will boom against unrealistic beauty standards, photo filters and the lot!



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