I Got My “Seasonal Colours” Done, and Boy Did It Level Up My Wardrobe and Self Confidence Game

Ever stared at your overflowing closet and felt like you have nothing to wear? Trust me, I’ve been there too.

I had no idea what ‘getting my colours done’ meant and I was at a stage in my life where I wanted a serious shake up of my personal style and fashion confidence then POOF - miraculously I met an incredible and professional personal stylist Eline Juchem and learnt all about the transformative power of getting my seasonal colours done.

It was like a fashion epiphany, changing the way I view my wardrobe and boosting my confidence. If you’re struggling with fashion and styling, let me take you through my journey and show you how a seasonal colour analysis can revolutionise your style.

did you know, we only wear about 20% of our wardrobe on repeat?!

According to a study by Thread, the average person only wears 20% of their wardrobe regularly. Imagine if you could maximise that percentage by shopping smarter and more intentionally, because let’s face it, fashion can be tricky. Many of us face similar struggles when it comes to styling ourselves.

Here are a few common pain points:

  1. Overwhelming Wardrobes: We have closets full of clothes, but nothing seems to match or feel right.

  2. Impulsive Shopping: Buying items on a whim that end up unworn and forgotten.

  3. Lack of Confidence: Not knowing what colours or styles suit us, leading to self-doubt and frustration.

  4. Wasting Money: Spending on trends that don’t work for our personal style or body type.

If any of these resonate with you, you’re not alone. These issues are exactly why I turned to a professional personal stylist for a seasonal colour analysis.

so, what is a ‘Seasonal Colours’ analysis?

A seasonal colour session is like a deep dive into finding your true fashion self.

“An image consultant helps you communicate who you are through what you’re wearing. It’s not about rules. It’s about freedom. It’s not about wearing the latest, the best or the most fashionable. It’s about bringing out the true essence of who you are through your clothing, feeling confident, and bringing that confidence to everything you do. What’s more important is what you like, how you feel and the impression you want to make.” - Eline juchem

Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Style Chat: The session begins with a friendly chat about your personal style, lifestyle, and fashion goals. It’s a chance to express your fashion frustrations and aspirations.

  2. Colour Analysis: This is the core of the session. The stylist uses drapes and swatches to determine which colours harmonize with your skin tone, hair, and eyes. You'll be classified into one of the seasonal palettes: Winter, Spring, Summer, or Autumn.

  3. Wardrobe Vision Board Creation: Post-analysis, your stylist helps create a vision board for your wardrobe. This includes colour-coordinated outfits, style inspirations, and a shopping list tailored to your new colour palette. This is now my BIBLE!

Understanding the Four Seasons and Sub-Seasons in Colour Analysis

Colour analysis helps identify the colours that best complement your natural features to enhance your overall look (and confidence). There are two main methods for colour analysis: seasonal and tonal.

Seasonal Colour Analysis

Seasonal colour analysis is probably the most widely known method. It divides all colour tones into four main categories, named after the four seasons: Autumn, Spring, Summer, and Winter. Each season has a unique palette of colours that harmonise with specific skin tones, hair colours, and eye colours.

Here’s a closer look at each season and its sub-seasons:


Autumn colours are warm, deep, and slightly muted. They evoke the rich, earthy tones of fall foliage.

  • True Autumn: Characterised by warm and muted colours like olive green, mustard yellow, and terracotta.

  • Soft Autumn: Features softer, more muted tones such as dusty rose, soft khaki, and muted gold.

  • Warm/Deep Autumn: Combines warmth with depth, including colours like dark olive, burnt orange, and rich brown.


Spring colours are warm, bright, and clear, reflecting the fresh and vibrant hues of the season.

  • True Spring: Includes warm and bright colours such as coral, peach, and bright yellow.

  • Light Spring: Features lighter and more delicate colours like soft peach, light turquoise, and creamy white.

  • Warm Spring: Combines warmth with clarity, showcasing colours like golden yellow, warm pink, and leaf green.


Summer colours are cool, soft, and muted, reminiscent of the hazy, gentle shades of summer.

  • True Summer: Characterized by cool and muted colours such as dusty blue, lavender, and soft pink.

  • Light Summer: Features lighter and more delicate colours like pastel blue, mint green, and baby pink.

  • Soft Summer: Combines coolness with softness, including shades like soft teal, rose beige, and heather gray.


Winter colours are cool, deep, and clear, reflecting the crisp, bold hues of the winter season.

  • True Winter: Includes cool and vivid colours such as icy blue, stark white, and true red.

  • Deep Winter: Combines coolness with depth, showcasing colours like dark navy, deep burgundy, and emerald green.

  • Cool Winter: Features the coolest and most vibrant tones like royal blue, magenta, and bright silver.

Tonal Colour Analysis

In tonal colour analysis, the idea of grouping colours into four seasonal categories is extended to 12 categories. These are labeled by the most dominant aspect of that colour group. For instance, an Autumn individual might be classified as Warm and Deep in the tonal system. Most clients receive a dominant colour direction (warm) followed by a secondary colour direction (deep). This method provides a more in-depth understanding of an individual's colouring and how to best complement it.

how investing first is actually Budget-Friendly move in the Long Run…

You might be thinking, “Isn’t hiring a personal stylist expensive?” Surprisingly, it’s a smart investment that can save you money. Here’s how:

  1. Wear More of Your Wardrobe: With a clear understanding of your best colours and styles, you’ll find yourself reaching for more pieces in your closet, rather than sticking to a few safe options. The reel above show’s Eline making 17 outfits from 3 tops, 3 bottoms and 3 shoes!

  2. Smart Purchases: You’ll stop wasting money on clothes that don’t suit you. Every purchase will be intentional and complementary to your existing wardrobe.

  3. Increased Confidence: Feeling great in your clothes boosts your confidence, which can positively impact other areas of your life, from work to social interactions.

the bottom line

Getting my seasonal colours done by a professional personal stylist was a game-changer. It turned my fashion frustrations into a fun and empowering experience. If you’re tired of wardrobe woes and want to feel confident in your style, consider a seasonal colour analysis. It’s an investment in yourself that pays off every time you open your closet and feel excited about what to wear.

Ready to revolutionize your wardrobe? Book a seasonal colour session and embrace the magic of wearing colours that truly suit you. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!



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