Hey, How's Your Breathing?

Have you ever wondered why a yoga teacher instructs their students to breathe in and out during an entire class? Or, when you’re feeling nervous someone might suggest that you just breathe?  

The average person breathes in and out over 20,000 times a day. However, many won’t think twice about what breathing is doing to their bodies (apart from keeping you alive). But, did you know that breathing actually has a wealth of benefits that are far deeper

Inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide can actually have major effects on your overall optimal living.

Once breathing stops being unconscious, we can actually unlock a tool that can help you feel - and look - like your best self. From glowing skin to better sleep, conscious control of your breath can really transform your beauty regime. 

What’s more, the art of breathing is no longer a beauty secret reserved for expensive retreats and workshops. These are simple hacks that you can do in your very home to achieve a glowing, invigorated complexion. 

So, let’s explore the why behind it all. 



Why is breathing important for optimal living? 

The art of deep breathing is actually connected to ancient techniques that have long been considered healing. In some cultures, conscious breathing is even thought to rival the benefits of western medicine - and we can see why. Healing from the inside is a very personal journey that starts with breathwork. 

There is also a science behind how breathing is connected to feeling (and looking) better. By taking a deep inhale through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, you’re replacing CO2 with rejuvenating oxygen that works wonders for your cells. With every conscious, deep breath we take, we are welcoming in oxygen that allows for regeneration - helping you achieve a healthy glow.


Good to know: The Lymphatic System is… a delicate network of tissue, organs and vessels in your body that is a key part of the immune system.

What’s more, this system works hard to drain and transport fluid, deliver nutrients into your bloodstream and remove toxins from your cells. So, it’s good to keep this system in check!

The Parasympathetic System is… part of the body’s nervous system that is tasked with slowing your heart rate. Some specialists refer to this as the ‘read and digest’ part of your nervous system

Four breathing techniques you can try to anytime!

So what are the top breathing techniques? 

Well, any form of deep breathing actually starts with our diaphragm. In essence, we are trying to recreate the way babies tend to breathe with their bellies. By activating our diaphragm, we are able to expand our rib cage and welcome more nutrient-rich air into our lungs. Breathing with this sort of intention has instantly transformative effects that reduce our stress levels. Less stress translates to better skin and overall improved optimal being.  

The best thing about conscious breathing is that you can also do it anywhere. So, whether you’re in a meeting, on your commute or lying on a beach - try and adopt one of these practices for free!

1) Box Breath 

Box breathing is a very simple technique that is formed of four easy steps. Also known as square breathing, this method activates our parasympathetic system to immediately reduce stress and help with relaxation. 

These are the steps to follow: 

  1. Breathe in through your nose for four seconds 

  2. Hold your breath for another four seconds

  3. Exhale for four seconds

  4. Hold for four seconds 

  5. And repeat!

2) 478 Breath

Like it says on the tin, 478 breath includes intervals of four, seven and eight seconds. Through a longer exhale, we are able to get rid of excess CO2 and toxins in our bodies. It is also known for reducing stress and helping people get to sleep quicker

By reducing how stressed you’re feeling, you can better manage cortisol levels in your body. This naturally occurring hormone is directly linked to the production of oil in your skin glands. So, by keeping our cortisol levels at bay we are actually reducing the chance of breakouts and irritated skin. 

Here is how the 478 breath goes:

  1. Breathe in through your nose for four seconds

  2. Hold your breath for seven seconds

  3. Exhale through your mouth for eight seconds

  4. Repeat  

3. Alternate Nostril Breathing

While you can still practice this method anywhere, it takes a little more focus. The idea behind this breathing style is to bring a better balance to your nervous system. What’s more, it can lower your heart rate and improve your blood pressure in the process. 

To start the Alternate Nostril Breathing practice: 

  1. Place your thumb over your right nostril to block the airflow. 

  2. 2. Take a large inhale through your uncovered left nostril. 

  3. Once you can’t inhale any further, block your left nostril and hold.

  4. Uncover your right nostril to exhale. 

Then, repeat on the other side and continue in a rhythm for as long as you want!

4. Ujjayi Breath 

Another fantastic way to stimulate your lymphatic system is by practising Ujjayi breath. Through the art of deep breathing, we are making sure the drainage system in our bodies is functioning properly. (You might get some funny looks if you do this in public.)

This practice is also known as ocean breathing and doesn’t require any count or hand movement to be completed. What’s more, it is known to release tension and regulate your body heat - as well as being a key element in yoga practises.

To achieve an Ujjayi breath: 

  1. Keep your mouth closed and take a deep inhale through your nose. 

  2. Contract your throat and exhale through your nose to make a light snoring sound.

  3. Continue with this inhale and exhale method in equal intervals to gain the ultimate effects of this powerful breathing method. 

And breathe…

By the time you’ve finished reading this article, you’ve probably taken around 80 breaths already. The long term effects of conscious breathing include reduced inflammation and a prolonged youthful complexion. So, consider this as ‘yoga for your insides’ and start right now with your first deep inhale. 

By mastering conscious breathing, you are unlocking the ultimate wellness hack - and the best thing is it doesn’t cost you a penny. 



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Bye bye 2022. Bye bye treating our bodies as trends. Forever.